Climate Action Nurses

October Edition 2023

Climate Action Nurses

October 2023

Don’t Forget To Check Out Our New Website!

Our new website, thoughtfully designed by Sarah from Miss Creative Design Studio to align perfectly with our fresh branding and logo, is now live! A big thank you goes out to all the members who actively participated in the logo design process. This logo represents our collective choices and embodies the spirit of our organisation. Check out our website HERE 

This Zine

We Focus On Natural Disaster Preparedness

Celebrating and sharing the remarkable innovations nurses across the health care continuum are doing to drive natural disaster preparedness in responding to climate change.

Acknowledgment to Country

As we move forward in our efforts to protect and preserve our planet, it is essential that we acknowledge the critical role played by the First Nations communities in the stewardship of our climate and environment. Across generations, First Nations communities have thrived in harmony with nature, drawing upon their profound understanding of the land and resources for sustenance. First Nations practices embody an unwavering commitment to the preservation of our planet. We pay respect to this relationship and must work hand-in-hand to preserve and regenerate our environment.

Meet The Editor

Message for Dr Aletha Ward, Climate Action Nurses President.

Climate Action Nurses President: Welcome to CAN's Zine on Nursing Innovation in Disaster Preparedness. In this zine, we look at the role of a nurse in disaster preparedness and management in extreme weather events. We aim to motivate and teach nurses and healthcare professionals to lead in disaster preparedness during extreme weather events.

Dr. Aletha Ward

President - Climate Action Nurses


Meet The Team


Vice President



What has C A N been up to?

We released our six-step climate action Plan in an all-member assembly in October and would like to acknowledge and give thanks to all CAN members who provided feedback. As Climate Action Nurses, we believe the Six-Step Climate Action Plan is an essential document required to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Position Statement: Planetary Health:

Explore our comprehensive position statement on planetary health, championing sustainable and regenerative healthcare practices whilst recognising the intrinsic connection between human well-being and the health of the Earth's natural systems; for the well-being of our planet, intricately intertwined with the well-being of our people.

Position Statement on Intersectionality:

A powerful call for climate action grounded in the principles of social justice, health equity, and environmental well-being, addressing the unique challenges faced by diverse communities and advocating for a just and sustainable world for all.

Factsheet: Sustainable vs Regenerative Healthcare: 

Explore a brief fact sheet explaining the difference between sustainable vs regenerative healthcare. CAN implores our healthcare leaders to work towards a regenerative healthcare system for all.

Statement on Student Empowerment:

“Check out our statement to empower student nurses!” to step up and lead the way in our climate health response.

Position Statement: Trauma-informed Care: 

Explore our position statement on trauma-informed care in the Anthropocene, calling for nurses, communities, and healthcare systems to embed trauma-informed care in our practices to support nurses and their communities living and working with trauma exposure that results from living in the Anthropocene.

Joint submission with APNA and ACN to respond to the Commonwealth climate health strategy.

Coming Soon!

The CAN mentoring program supports healthcare professionals in their efforts to combat climate change and enhance personal and professional development. People at any career stage can join this program, regardless of previous experience.

Participants in the CAN mentoring program can expect to:

  • Expand horizons and enhance their skills in areas of interest.

  • Access unique opportunities to connect with the broader CAN community.

  • Learn skills to advocate for solutions and promote an environmentally sustainable healthcare system.

  • Receiving guidance, insights, and constructive feedback from their mentors,

  • Enhance career growth by feeling valued and supported to actively and effectively contribute to topical discussions.

It is within the CAN mentorship framework that diverse skills and knowledge are shared, contributing to the collective vision and goal of a more sustainable healthcare industry. 

Introducing the New Climate Action Nurses Student Advisory Chapter!

Led by dedicated student Kirk Dorries, this initiative aims to empower and educate student nurses in planetary health. The chapter will actively contribute to our four pillars and all CAN projects. We invite nursing students who share our concern for the planet’s well-being to join this impactful movement. Together, we can amplify our voices, drive meaningful change, and priorities climate action in healthcare.

To get involved, email [email protected]

Volunteer team leaders!

Climate Action Nurses would like to say a big thank you to Harmony Tree (HT) and Viktoriia Udovichenko for the behind-the-scenes voluntary work managing CAN social media. Ladies you are “CAN goddesses” and we truly thank full for all your work and appreciate your efforts. Thank you!

Featured Story

Editorial By: Catelyn Richards RNB Nurs, Mark Holmes RN, RM, MM, MAv(HF), Rose Nash BPharm (Hons), PhD, GCert Research 1, Aletha Ward RN, PhD.

Healthcare systems in many Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Countries (OECD) are ill prepared for minimizing the risks and withstanding the impacts of natural disasters caused by climate change. In the 21st century, all nursing specialties will be affected by escalating natural disasters as practice is adapted for the Anthropocene. This rapid review defines the current evidence base of nurses’ experiences during “natural” disasters. Nurses are providing professional services during “natural” disasters, however, are often personal victims of the events. Nurses report being ill equipped with disaster knowledge and for working with damaged infrastructure during extreme weather events. This challenges their capacity to provide clinical decision-making and leadership under uncertainty. These lessons learned should be translated into education resources that better prepare nurses for climate crisis nursing in the Anthropocene.

CAHA’s New Report

Following the release of a new report by the Climate and Health Alliance, Clearing the Air: Transport decarbonisation and our health, which comprehensively reviews the health outcomes of Australia’s transport system.


Australia's motor cities are making us sick and injured—and the health sector is picking up the bill.

The Commonwealth Government has a major opportunity to deliver cleaner, greener transport systems across Australia—with immense positive benefits for human health.

Explore the future of medicines and sustainability

This year’s National Medicines Symposium is just around the corner. Make sure you register now to be part of this transformative event.

Leading the way to showing how using medicines can contribute to a sustainable healthcare system. With a focus on practical approaches and examples, the Symposium will delve into the critical intersection of health care and the environment, focusing on the safe and quality use of medicines.

Theme: The future of medicines: good for people, good for the planet

Date: Wednesday, 8 November

Time: 10.00 am - 4.30 pm (AEDT)

Format: Virtual event – featuring individual speakers and panel discussions

Calling ALL Australian Registered Nurses!
Survey now OPEN focused on nursing education, professional roles, and experiences caring for people with intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism (ASD).
Help build knowledge about nursing capacity to care for people with ID and/or ASD, and improve future outcomes. 
Share your voice:

8 Nov 2023 online

14-16 Nov 2023

What’s The Evidence

ANA Position Statement - 2023

A new report reveals six of the nine planetary boundaries have been crossed – biogeochemical flows, freshwater change, land-system change, biosphere integrity, climate change, and novel entities. The Planetary Boundaries Framework exists to track the limits of pressures that risk destabilising our planet. Read it here!

Xu et al (September 2023) underscore the prevalence and health risks of wildfires, finding that more than 2 billion people were exposed to at least a day of fire-related air pollution each year between 2010 and 2019, which is higher than during the decade prior. 

C.M. Powis et al (September 2023) predict periods of heat and humidity so great that humans cannot survive without sources of cooling are likely coming much sooner than previously believed.R.

Green to health: The impact of environmental regulation on health status

J. Xu et al (August, 2023) examined the impact of air pollution policies on human health, investigating the connection between the health status of adults in China and the environmental regulations implemented. Green to health: The impact of environmental regulation on health status.

We are excited to announce that "Climate Action Nurses" is now a part of the Nurses Collective platform, connecting our community of passionate nurses dedicated to addressing climate change with professionals across Australia.

As an organization committed to driving change in healthcare through climate action, joining Nurses Collective opens new horizons for us to network, collaborate, and contribute to a sustainable healthcare industry. This move allows us to have our dedicated space within the platform where like-minded members can connect and share knowledge.

So, what is Nurses Collective, and how do you become a part of it?

What is Nurses Collective:

Nurses Collective is a unique platform designed to unite nurses from diverse backgrounds and specialties. It's a dynamic and inclusive space where nurses can network, learn, and engage with a broader nursing community. This platform offers various groups, forums, resources, and guides that enhance professional development.

Joining Nurses Collective:

Visit the Nurses Collective website at

  • Register using your email address and complete the quick registration process. It takes just 30 seconds.

  • Check your email, including spam/junk folders, for a registration confirmation.

  • Click the confirmation link in the email to approve your registration.

  • Create your profile to showcase your professional background and interests.

Being a member of Nurses Collective means you can explore and join other groups related to your interests, engage in discussions, and access exclusive content and discounts—all for free! This collaboration is a fantastic opportunity to expand your professional network and connect with nursing peers from various specialties.

In a few simple steps, you'll become part of the "Climate Action Nurses" community on Nurses Collective, where you can access valuable resources, engage in meaningful discussions, and enjoy exclusive content and discounts that align with your mission.

We appreciate your dedication to addressing climate change within the nursing community, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact this collaboration will bring to our mission of climate action in healthcare. Welcome to the Nurses Collective platform!

Volunteer With CAN!

Are you passionate about Climate Action? Joining Climate Action Nurses and Make an Impact. As a CAN volunteer, you will develop your skills, knowledge, and networks, working on projects with like-minded people. We need volunteers in:

PowerPoint design and content creation.


Engagement and communication.

Newsletter/zine formatting.

Next Zine

We Focus on Nursing Education in the Anthropocene 

See you in 2024!

📖 How can you contribute?

Share your expertise, experiences, and insights - we welcome articles, opinion pieces, case studies, interviews, artwork, and more. This is an opportunity to showcase your innovative ideas and inspire fellow nurses.